August 2008

Dear Partners,

May the peace and joy of our loving Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Thank you so much for your love, prayers and generous support. You have been a great blessing many precious children, widows and Families. Lord says in Pro.19:17 “One who is gracious to the poor, lends to the Lord and He will repay him for his good deed. May our loving God Almighty continue to bless you in every area of your life.

Instrument in God’s Hand..

One of the special gift God has given to mankind, is to be creative like Him. God has immense ability to create things out of nothing, after all He is all powerful God. When we see all the things in the natural and in the supernatural one can notice God’s tremendous creativity, His intricacy in design and plan. Mankind with God given abilities has developed many instruments, specially Musical instruments. I personally love to play a 12 string guitar. But one of the painful or tedious part is to get it tuned. Let me share with you three categories of tuning 1. You can have a guitar that is totally off and it does sound awful! 2. you can have a guitar that is somewhat tuned and it sounds somewhat ok! or can have a guitar that is fine tuned, that can produce excellent melodious sound. Some times even the outside weather conditions can affect the guitar and get it out of tune. Sounds more like our day to day lives Often we find our lives out of tune, and we desperately need God’s help. Only God can do the job of fine tuning our lives because He is our Creator. As some one has said it “God makes no junk.” But man does have a choice and ability to turn this precious gift of life into junk and ultimately destroy oneself. God has given us the message and the responsibility to proclaim it, to the lost humanity. God did not make us on the mass production assembly line, but He crafted each one of us with His loving hands, as “custom made.”King David proclaims it in Psalm 139 “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.” This is what we keep telling our children that they are precious to the Lord and He loves them beyond their wildest imagination. The more we are in tune with Him, and tuned by Him, will reflect the message of His love to our generation and show them what we really believe. Today you could be a powerful instrument in God’s hand, if you will surrender yourself to Him. The Lord Who was with Joshua is the same God Who says: “I am with you, I will not fail you nor forsake you” (Josh.1:5)

God will make a way...

We thank God for putting His people in our lives, so together we can accomplish His divine purpose, for His kingdom. After two years of prayer and search, the Lord has guided us to a suitable place for the orphanage and school for the children. It is a big answer to many prayers. By God’s grace we signed the deed of agreement on 7th of July. We made the down payment of 2.5k and will do the closing by sept. 22nd. At present we still need 7k for the land. We been learning to cast all our cares upon Him,Who can provide this need in miraculous way. If God desires, He could make you a part of the solution, PLEASE ask the Lord, how He would have you play your part in this need. We are so thankful to the Lord for each one of you who have given sacrificially for Him. THANK YOU.

Just the traveler in this world..

This year has been a great challenge for most of our close friends and Ministry partners some of them have lost their dearones, some are struggling with physical illness.May they experience God’s loving arms around them and find His comfort and strength in these difficult times. In spite of their losses, they could testify of God’s goodness and love.His word reminds us that this world is not our permanent residence, I like the way it says in my Marathi Bible “I am just a traveler in this world, do not hide your commands from me Oh Lord” (Ps. 119:19)

Our team in Pune India is working very hard and serving the Lord with all their heart and soul. The Lord continues to bring many new and needy children each day to the Ministry Center. We wont be able to pull this on our own! If it wasn't for your generosity and love for the Lord, and His precious Children half way around the globe. Thank you dear friends for your partnership and sacrificial giving. PLEASE continue to pray for us. We need them the most.

Please let me know how you are doing and how we can pray for you. If you have any questions or prayer request please contact me on my cell 719-232-6470 or call Mr. Earl Delph 719-391-8762. Please do visit our website for news update

On behalf of the many precious children in India, let me say a big heartfelt Thank you.

The Lord is our Strength and Shield, May the Lord bless you, and Keep you, and make his face shine upon you each day.

With much love and prayers.
Your servant in Him,

Suresh Manohar