Dear Partners,
Peace and Joy of our loving Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Thank you so much for sharing your time and resources to touch the lives of many precious children, widows and Families on the other side of the globe. Your prayers and generous financial support has been a great blessing to us. Our hearts are filled with gratitude and Thanksgiving for what our Almighty God has done through you to touch His children with love.
Miracle of the Leftovers !!
One of my dear friend Herb and Dawn invited me for food and fellowship at their home, I had just come back from India. Our conversation became more interesting as we were talking about the abundance that God has given us here in US. Dawn asked me a question, How do you feel when you come from a place where there is so much pain and poverty compare to so much plenty and pleasure out here? Just few days before this incidence I was meditating on the story of Lord Jesus feeding the five thousand. “Jesus saw a great multitude and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick. When it was evening His disciples said to Him.. Send them home, BUT Jesus said to them, you give them something to eat.” You all know the happy ending as the disciples collected the twelve baskets of leftovers!! I have a feeling that the disciples did not collect all the leftovers and also some people may have taken a doggy bag for the road or a bread as a souvenir to remember the miracle the Lord has done with five loaves and two fish!! The amazing thing is, our Almighty God continues to feed thousands and millions even today by leftovers and I feel like one of those who enjoyed the miracle meal from the Lord and took some of it to share with those hungry children.
What a Blessing and Challenge it has been for me to run back and forth picking up the leftovers and sharing it with the most needy children in India. The Lord says in His word “Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days”(Ecc.11:1) He also tells us “Not to be weary of doing good for in due season we shall reap” Matthew Henry puts it beautifully “Our reward for well doing is very certain but our opportunity for well doing is very uncertain.”
As we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus may we remember His love and humility, as Paul reminds to the Philippians from his prison cell “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus though He was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness, being found in human form, He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death even death on a cross.” (Phil.2:5-8)
Dear friend now is the time that we ask God to help us to take this Living Bread to those who are hurting and hungry around us. We live in the hurting world that is the reality, but I believe with all my heart that God is still in the business of calling the wounded and hurting people just like you and me to bring hope and healing to our generation.
Diwali Bible Blast -Festival of Light
Lord blessed us with a most precious gift, we had Pastor Jerry, Chris and Heather visit our humble ministry Center in Pune India and serve those little ones with His love. Heather and Preety had a 10 days of DBB i.e. Diwali Bible Blast, something like VBS! About 45 Children had tremendous time worshiping the Lord, learning English, and doing craft plus good food!! Thank you dear friends for allowing God to use you to touch these precious children in India. May the Lord continue to make you a Blessing.
Promised Land Project
PLEASE PRAY with us for the land we need urgently for building the Orphanage and School. As of today the Lord has provided 12K and we need another 13K by the end of December 2007. The children are earnestly asking the Lord to provide this funds. May I please request you to prayerfully consider sending your most generous gift for this worthy cause. “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Col.3:23-24)
As you celebrate Christmas this year, may you experience His abounding Peace and Love. Please let me know how you are doing and how we can pray for you. If you have any questions or prayer request please contact me on my cell 719-232-6470 or call Mr. Earl Delph 719-391-8762.
Please visit our website for news update
On behalf of the many precious
children in India, let me say a big heartfelt Thank you and wish you the most Joyful Christmas and Blessed New year 2008. May the Lord continue to direct your steps each day as you seek Him with all your heart.
Thank you for your love and prayers.
Your servant in Him,
Suresh Manohar
Thank you Lord for
sending Pastor Jerry,
Heather and Chris,
a great
Blessing to us! |
You helped us
to put a smile
on these little faces.
Thank You!! |
Thank you Lord for Dr. Usha, Mangal tai,
Anil Bhaya and all these Precious Children
Precious Children you have given us. |