June 2008

Dear Friends,

May the peace and joy of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.  Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and faithful financial support.  We are very thankful to the Lord for each one of you for partnering with us in His harvest field.  May our Loving Father continue to bless you in every area of your life.

Great is Thy Faithfulness Oh Lord.

As we look back our hearts are filled with thanksgiving and praise for God’s faithfulness.  We join our hearts with King David and say “Great is our Lord and mighty in power;  He casts the wicked to the ground.”  Ps. 147: 5-6.   We are indeed reminded of God’s faithfulness and His tremendous blessings upon our humble beginnings.  In the last three years, the Lord has blessed us with more than 500 children plus their parents and grand parents!  Many children have made the commitment to love the Lord and follow Him.  Every day we have about 40 children who come to the Ministry center.  Some for education, some for food & clothing & some for medication and other critical needs.   All this would be impossible without your sacrificial giving and faithful prayers.  Thank you, dear friends, for allowing God to use you to touch the lives of so many precious children.  The older I get the faster the time goes!! This makes me to rethink my priorities and helps me to prepare myself physically and spiritually for the mission God has called us.

In order to save us from our Sin Lord Jesus had to sacrifice His own precious life on the cross.  He also commands us to pick up our cross daily and follow Him. Cross symbolizes self denial and suffering.  Our salvation is free but the price is too high.  Thank God that He loved us so much that He was willing to give up all the heavenly comfort and glory so that you and I can experience His love and forgiveness.  Dr. Ravi Zechariahs says it well, “without determined sacrifice and hard work you can not accomplish God’s calling in your life.”  that  is so true in the Ministry.  May our Lord Almighty give us the renewed zeal and desire to proclaim the message of His love to our hurting generation.

Celebration that never ends!!

Christmas-07 and Easter-08 was a very special event.   Just imagine a 275 sq. ft. hall packed with more than 250 children plus 25 adults.  This was the first time SHI children had the opportunity to perform the Christmas drama in English.  Thank God for sending Chris and Hether, we love you so much.  Children had a great time performing, Indian Gospel songs with dance to the house full of audience, our special Santa had busy time delivering the gifts from the 25th Dec. till Feb. 10th.  Preety and Hether did a superb job to prepare the children for this life time event.  On Easter we had a whole day of Singing and worshiping the Lord.  It was an unforgettable experience for many.  Most of our Children did very well in their final exams.  We Praise God for the success He has given them.  Please pray for them as they begin new term from mid June.

Promised Land Project Update

Thank you so much for your prayers and generous support for the land.  We are very close to making the final deal.  We were able to take Chris & Hether our Ministry partners to see the land before we proceed with the paper work.  The prices have gone up like crazy and has more complications.  Please pray that the Lord will protect us from any scams.   The children are very excited about the place for their future home.  The second phase is building the project that includes developing internal road, digging water well, power connection, planting trees, fencing.  The budget for this building phase is 25K.  May I please request you consider sending your most generous gift for this worthy cause.  The promise God has given to Abraham on mount Moriah in Gen. 22:8 is still true and applicable to every believer “The Lord will Provide for Himself.. ” our God is the God of providence, He often pours out His love and grace more than we deserve it.  We have been the constant recipient of His Goodness and Grace.

The Lord has brought us thus far..

Thank you so much for your prayers for me and the team, we need them the most.  I had a great time of fellowship with Pastor Jim Watson and family, Pastor Tom, and so many precious brothers and sisters in the Lord, we thank God for each one of you and your love for the Lord.  It’s a great Blessing to partner with you in His harvest field.

Please let me know how you are doing and how we can pray for you.  If you have any questions or prayer request please contact me on my cell 719-232-6470 or call Mr. Earl Delph 719-391-8762.  God willing I will be back in the country by July-08. 

Please visit our website for news update www.servant7.org  On behlf of the many precious children in India, let me say a big heartfelt Thank you.

With much love and prayers.
Your servant in Him,

Suresh Manohar

Thank you Lord for the Gift of Music
Jasmine and Children Enjoy Playing the Harmonium
Preety Teaching the African Jungle Book story
Monkey in the Lion's Skin!
One in Christ...
His love can unite Every color
and Kind..

Almas, Kajal, Anna, Uja, Punam, Max...