Dear Friends,
Peace and Joy of our loving Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. At this time of the year when our Almighty God, The Awesome Creator, The Greatest Artist, begins to paint the nature around us with His magnificent colors. The breath taking views of the Autumn season comes to greet us as the aspen trees turn gold and the crisp evening breeze kisses our cheeks trying to calm our rushing minds with His peace and invisible Presence.
Looking beyond the beautiful golden Aspen
We live in the world where “Seeing is Believing” is the order of the day. Often we fail to see beyond the beautiful golden colors of the aspen. Sometimes we may take out our cameras and capture some beautiful shots and have a “WOW” moment for five seconds and miss the whole point. As I drove through the mountains of Pikes Peak reign enjoying the beautiful creation of our Lord and thanking Him for the awesome views. If we could just lift up our eyes beyond the temporal beauty of the creation and gaze upon the Creator with eyes of faith we could say with exclamation to the Almighty God: “My Lord How Great Thou Art” Please let me take your mind to a totally different season of life that our Lord Jesus has mentioned in John 9:4 He said to the disciples “We must work the works of Him who sent me, while it is day; night comes, when no one can work”. If we take a honest look at our world today you can see the Political, Social, and Spiritual chaos all around us. Many people wonder if we can really fix the problems of our fast degrading society. Let me tell you the fact that no matter how hard we try there is No Government or the Political leader or the prominent leaders of G-5 or G-8 has the ability to bring any stability to our troubled world but I know about someone Who created this world, Who died for the redemption of the fallen sinful man and Who offers life eternal to every person who believes in Him. He says to each one of us today “Let not your hearts be troubled Believe in God and Believe also in me. In this world you will have trials and tribulations but take heart I have overcome the world” (John 14:1, 16:33) In the midst of any tragedy or turmoil you can still experience His loving presence and Peace that’s beyond our understanding.If we just come to Him in total surrender and accept His forgiveness.
Ministry Update!!
God is blessing us in tremendous way. He is bringing the children of His choice in the Ministry Center. At present we have five children staying with us fulltime. Fatima is the youngest one @ 5yrs. Real sweet heart. Almas who is about 11 yrs “All smile” who can destroy any depression Virus around you!! Manisha we call her Chaniya is the little bunny with all the wisdom of the world at 8 yrs!! then we got Poonam 12 yrs. who is the Marvel of His Grace. Last but not the least Uja 11yrs the delight of His Heart!! Each one so different and very unique yet a tremendous mix of His Great Blessing.
We Thank God for each one of you our Ministry Partners for making this dynamic and life changing Ministry possible. There is no way we can do what we do here in India without your faithful Prayers and generosity. I just got back from India after ten terrific months of Ministry. On Sept. 9th Pastor Anil Singh and my self had the honor of baptizing 10 new believers. What a Blessing God has given us. We Thank God for Mark & Lisa for the tremendous work they have done on our website. Please do visit for news update.
Pease let me know how you are doing and how we can pray for you. If you have any questions or prayer request please contact me on my cell 719-232-6470 or call Mr. Earl Delph 719-391-8762
On behalf of the many precious children in India, let me say a big heartfelt Thank you, may you continue to grow in the love and grace of our loving Lord Jesus.
Thank you for your love and prayers.
Your servant in Him,
Suresh Manohar
Thank you Lord for all these Precious Children
you have given us. He may not have a
shirt but he sure has a heart and Soul!!
The JOY of the LORD... Is our Strength.. Manisha (Chaniya), Poonam
Uja, Hardeep and Inderpal Study time can be a Joyful experience!! |