Dear Friends,                                                       

Peace and Joy of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ be with you  always. The miracle of the Cross of Jesus Christ still continues. We see so many precious lives  changed everyday  for eternity and saved by believing in His death and Resurrection. The message of the Cross is still  the most powerful weapon God has given to the believers. May this be the longing of our hearts as  Paul writes that I may know Him and the power of His Resurrection and the fellowship of His Sufferings”   Phil. 3:10

Christmas in March !!...

India is a land of Festivals!! Our most Hindu & Muslim friends celebrate some or the other festival or Jayanti (Birth or death Anniversary of well-known person) almost every month. Along with the festivity mood comes lots of loud noise of the drum beats and Loud speakers playing the latest music from the Hindi   movies, sounds of fire crackers spraying of Gulal (it’s a red powder) many  people throw on each other!!   Sometimes its hard to make sense! but that’s only the half story. The reality is: along with celebration comes some heartaches and financial downfall and even tragic death.                    

Please let me take your mind to a totally different kind of Angelic Celebration that is happening in  Heaven every second but very few people are aware of it. Our  Lord Jesus said: “there is great rejoicing  in the       presence of the angels of God in heaven over one sinner who  repents..” (Lk. 15:10)  Therefore the Christmas is celebrated 24/7 nonstop!! Because thousands of precious souls are coming to the Cross of Christ and experiencing new Birth. Unfortunately  many people miss  such  good news!!

We celebrated Christmas on 11th March!! Sounds little weird!! Please believe me its true!! @ 250 children prayed to the Lord Jesus and committed their lives to Him. Also it  was a day of celebration because our one hundred children  received special gifts from their unknown brothers and sisters in USA. It was the simple shoe Box Gift that you had sent through Samaritan’s Purse. Thank you Lord for Dr. Billy Graham and Franklyn Graham. Special Thanks to Eve my Mom in the Lord, who made it possible. It was a great blessing to see  the joy on those little faces. Thank you so much for taking time to fill those shoe Boxes and send it here. May our loving  Lord Jesus  continue to bless you for the kindness you have shared with so many little ones here.

Since my return to India on Nov.06, its been pretty hectic BUT most rewarding!! thank you so much for your faithful prayer support and generous giving. Ministry Team here in Pune is working very hard and continues to serve faithfully in His harvest field. Please remember us in your prayers.

Please pray for the  suitable land for the Orphanage and School. By the time I got back to India the land prices have almost tripled. We are praying for a miracle that God will provide a land of His choice  in His time and at His price!!
We are thankful to the Lord for each one of you our Prayer Partners, Child Sponsors, and generous Supporters, Thank you so much for allowing God to make you a Blessing to so many precious Children here in   India.

Please let me know how you are doing and how we can pray for you. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Earl Delph  719-391-8762

On behalf of the many precious children in  India, let me say a big heartfelt Thank you, may you continue to grow in the love and grace of our  loving Lord Jesus.

Thank you for your love and prayers.

Your servant in Him,

Suresh Manohar


Thankyou Lord for Pleasant Valley
Baptist Church For the Beautiful Clothes
Christmas Celebration....

Thank you Lord for  Samaritan’s Purse for
Blessing our Children with Shoe Box Gifts 
@ 250 Children came to worship the Lord